Jordan: Population in Figures
Although Jordan had a population growth rate of 2.1% and a population of 6.4 million people in the year 2012, estimates indicate that the population may reach 10.6 million people in the year 2032 . Compared with the birth rate of the year 2012 which reached 3.5% with a family average size of 5.4%, figures show that the total birth rate in Jordan for the year 1976 had reached 7.4% with a family average size of 6.2%. The national strategy of reproductive health, as stated by the Higher Council of Population in Jordan, is aiming at a rate of three children per fertile woman in the year 2017.
Birth rates are considered the most important factor to predict population growth. Thus, strategies aiming at lowering birth rates contribute to lowering the annual population growth rate and consequently achieving sustainable development benefiting a large majority of the citizens. This fact highlights the importance of role of civil society institutions, including JAFPP, in implementing awareness, counseling and clinical programs to lower the annual birth rate.